
Revitalize, Rejuvenate, Restore, Embrace the Power of Red Light Therapy! Owered by cutting-edge PBM technology, Merican red light therapy beds capacitate businesses to offer science-backed wellness solutions. Deliver unmatched benefits of red light therapy to your clients through our exceptional R&D accreditations.




How Red Light Therapy Work?

العلاج بالضوء الأحمر, also known as Photobiomodulation, works by delivering safe, concentrated wavelengths of natural light into your skin, up to 10 millimeters deep.

In simpler terms, Red light therapy bed can stimulates your body’s own healing mechanisms at a cellular level. It helps in rejuvenating your skin, healing wounds faster, reducing inflammation, and even promoting better sleep. It’s nature’s way to a healthier, more vibrant you.

The Secret of Red Light Wavelength

Merican’s Red Light Therapy Bed employs scientifically validated wavelengths for optimal human health, backed by research, and customizes wavelength combinations to suit your business needs.

Red Light Infrared Light
Visibility Visible, emits a warm, gentle glow that can be seen Invisible to the human eye
الطول الموجي 620-750نانومتر 700-1000نانومتر
Core Benefits 1.Boosts skin health and vitality
2.Enhances cellular metabolism
3.Anti-aging properties
4.Treatment of skin problems
1.Excellent deep tissue healer
2.Improve blood circulation
3.Reduce inflammation
4.Pain relief
Features غير الغازية, safe for all skin types, zero downtime Energy efficient, deep penetration, safe for continuous use
Result Provides immediate glow, long-term skin and health benefits Long-lasting therapeutic results
Ideal Use Ideal for surface-level skin treatment and wellness Best for treating deeper issues like muscle and joint pain

اكتشف جميع فوائد الضوء الأحمر المثبتة سريريًا

ادخل إلى العالم العلاجي المدعوم علميًا مع سرير العلاج بالضوء الأحمر المتقدم من Merican, تقديم مجموعة شاملة من الفوائد الصحية المثبتة سريريًا لجذب العملاء المخلصين وتعزيز مبيعاتك.

مركز أبحاث الطاقة الضوئية الأمريكية

في مهمة لإعادة تعريف أسرة العلاج بالضوء الأحمر

ملتزمون بالتميز والفعالية, لدينا فريق من الخبراء في مجالات العناية بالبشرة, صحة, وأجرت الأبحاث والتطبيقات الطبية تعاونًا مكثفًا وعمليات تحقق سريرية مع جامعات مشهورة, المؤسسات العلمية والطبية.

وهذا يجعل سرير العلاج بالضوء الأحمر الخاص بنا ليس مجرد جهاز متقدم, ولكنها شهادة على التزام Merican بالجودة والابتكار الرائد في الصناعة.

كيف يأخذ Merican عملك إلى المستوى التالي

مع 20+ براءات الاختراع والمظهر, تدمج Merican التكنولوجيا المتقدمة مع الجماليات الرائعة في تصميمها لتعزيز قوة العلاج بالضوء الأحمر.

Merican Cloud

Merican has combine innovative IoT control technology with red light therapy bed, offering businesses supreme efficiency and convenience. Manage your red light therapy beds hassle-free, catering to clients’ wellness needs instantaneously through our advanced Merican Cloud.

Experience head-to-toe rejuvenation with Merican wide red light bed and panel for full body, ensuring maximum exposure.


Leverages the scientifically-proven efficacy of wavelengths ranging from 633nm-940nm, with remarkable 2400-9000w high power and high density led chips.

Pioneers in providing independent and combined wavelength control for targeted syndromes, offering personalized light therapy.

Features an innovative electrical lift-up system and a 360-degree movable panel design, ensuring ideal exposure at the right distance.

Integrated with the JBL Bluetooth Audio System, it can enhance customer satisfaction from dull therpys to enjoyable, therapeutic sessions.

Tap into AI’s new trend and amplify your offerings with Merican’s game-changing innovation, a seamless blend of therapeutic effectiveness & cutting-edge technology.

Merican R&فريق د

Leading the market with innovative solutions is our research and development team, comprising of 20 specialists.

Andy Shi


David Xu


Scott Shi

ر&D Manager

Boley He

Senior Project Engineer

Goofy Li

Senior Structural Engineer

Zack Liu

Senior Visual Engineer

Garreth Chen

Senior Structural Engineer

Aaron Ge

Senior Project Manager

Explore More Research Studies in the Market

Stay updated on the latest trends and exciting technology in the realm of light therapy. Merican blog focuses on delivering insightful content for a healthier and more beautiful tomorrow.

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