LED Red Light Therapy for Wound Healing





LED Red Light Therapy for Wound Healing


What is LED light therapy?

LED (light-emitting diode) light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that enters the skin’s layers to improve the skin.

In the 1990s, NASA began studying LED’s effects in promoting Wundheilung in astronauts by helping cells and tissues grow.

Heute, dermatologists and estheticians commonly use LED light therapy to treat a range of skin issues. Skin specialists often use LED light therapy together with other treatments, such as creams, ointments, and facials, to give you the best results

LED Red Light Therapy Benefits

LED red and near-infrared light therapy does offer a range of health benefits that stem largely from the stimulatory effects of light on cells. Here are some of the main benefits of this therapy:

Please note that despite the above potential benefits of red light therapy, it is not a panacea for everyone. Before starting any new treatment program, it is best to consult with a medical professional to ensure its safety and applicability. Zusätzlich, the effectiveness of treatment may vary depending on individual differences.

As a subsidiary of Merikan Holding Group, Merican glänzt als Chinas führender optoelektronischer Schönheits- und Wellnessgerätehersteller. Our groundbreaking Rotlichttherapie and focus on customized product development and service reflects our commitment to health. Von der globalen ISO akkreditiert 9001 Qualitätssystem, Merican unterhält überlegene Standards mit einem erstklassigen Qualitätsmanagementteam. Stolz, Als Hersteller von rotlicht -Therapiebettbetten über Jahrzehnte, Merican hat die Bedürfnisse von Over erfüllt 30,000 Professionelle Schönheitsinstitutionen auf der ganzen Welt.

Merican-M series products are red light therapy beds whose effects can include repairing a variety of tissue and nerve pain, promoting metabolism, improving overall immunity, and improving sleep.

Whole body LED Light Devices

Nächste, we would like to introduce you to our ace physical therapy products.

Merican LED Light Therapy Bed M6N: Die obere Kabine hat ein konkaves Design für eine ergonomischere Passform. Die untere Kabine ist so konzipiert, dass sie flach liegt, um das Erlebnis angenehmer zu gestalten. Deluxe-Werbespot, hohe Leistung, hohe effizienz, mehr Platz, größerer und gleichmäßigerer Bestrahlungsbereich.

LED Red Light Therapy Bed M6N

If you need, we can provide professional OEM/ODM service.

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