9.29 World Heart Day





9.29 World Heart Day

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September 29 is the annual World Heart Day. According to the World Health Organization statistics, cardiovascular disease causes up to 18 million deaths each year, accounting for 32% of global deaths, known as the“number one killer”. So, how do we protect our heart health?

world heart day

Heart function and blood metabolism interact with each other

The heart, known as the “engine” of the body, transports blood to all parts of the body day and night. The flowing blood carries oxygen and various nutrients to all organs and cells of the body, enabling them to perform their normal functions.


At the same time, blood metabolism can also have a significant impact on heart function through the energy metabolism of cardiomyocytes, the health level of coronary arteries, and the overall blood pressure level. Once the heart is underpowered or metabolically disturbed, it will impede myocardial blood supply and oxygenation, affecting all cellular functions and inducing a variety of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, acute infarction, atherosclerosis, and so on.

A variety of bad habits are exacerbating the burden on the heart

It is worth noting that in order to forget about work fatigue and stress, many people have some bad habits that are damaging heart health ……

1、Eat and Drink Gluttonously

Eating and drinking will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, especially prone to acute pancreatitis attacks, so that the systemic blood supply is reduced, resulting in myocardial ischemia and ultimately lead to impaired cardiac function. In addition, it will also cause a sudden increase in the gastrointestinal cavity, resulting in the diaphragm upward even close to the heart, more likely to induce heart disease.

eat and drink gluttonously

2、Never Leave One’s Hand Without a Cigarette or a DrinkAlcohol consumption will lead to fibrosis of cardiomyocytes and interstitial fibrosis, thus reducing myocardial contraction and diastolic function. In addition, tobacco contains substances such as nitric oxide and free radicals, which can damage the endothelium of blood vessels, affecting the supply of nutrients and blood flow to the heart and causing abnormal lipid metabolism, triggering a variety of cardiovascular diseases.

never leave one

3、Staying Up Late for a Long Time

The heart needs regular rest to ensure its normal work, long-term late night will lead to the body of sympathetic nerve excitation caused by increased blood pressure, heart overload, the rhythm of the heart beat disorders, and even serious cases will lead to the occurrence of sudden death.

Staying up late for a long time

4、Bad Mood

The heart also secretes endocrine substances to regulate metabolic balance. When in stress, worry or anger, it can trigger the release of cortisol and adrenaline, which can lead to myocardial ischemia, a condition also known medically as “stress cardiomyopathy”.

bad mood

How to have a strong heart?

In addition to the above factors, the occurrence of cardiovascular disease is also closely related to sedentary, obesity, strenuous exercise, defecation and other bad habits. Therefore, to protect the health of the heart, from the formation of good habits to start!

1、Reasonable and Healthy Meals

Pay attention to dietary patterns, maintain a healthy weight, avoid overeating, you can eat more food rich in dietary fiber, such as celery, spinach, etc., and pay attention to hydration.


2、Appropriate Regular Exercise

Appropriate exercise can enhance blood circulation, but should not be overdone. It is recommended to start with low-intensity exercise and gradually increase the amount of exercise in a gradual manner.


3、Learn to release pressure

Choose your own way to relieve stress, such as listening to music, reading or confiding in family and friends, etc. You can also follow the rhythm of “two seconds to exhale, two seconds to inhale”, slowing down the breathing frequency, stimulating the brain to release the “decompression substances” endorphins, so that the body and mind to relax.

Learn to release pressure

4、Getting enough sleep

Adjust your routine, avoid unnecessary late nights, and try to get enough sleep for 7 to 8 ساعات.

Getting enough sleep

5、Daily illumination with red light effectively improves ischemic and hypoxic conditions

Numerous literature and clinical studies have shown that phototherapy can play a variety of biological roles, promote the proliferation of endothelial cells, microvascular expansion, and at the same time remove free radicals in the body, so that the blood viscosity decreases and the oxygen-carrying capacity increases significantly, improve the blood perfusion of the heart, brain, kidneys and so on, improve the ischemic and anoxic state, so as to restore or improve the function of the organs.

In addition, what is more valuable is that phototherapy plays a two-way regulatory role on the balance of blood metabolism, by activating a variety of enzymes in the blood to play a regulatory role. When the blood pressure is too high or too low, it restores the blood metabolism to the normal state and adjusts it through its own system with the normal value as the balance axis.

red light therapy 1
red light therapy 2
red light therapy 3

Using MERICAN health cabin, it can produce photobiological regulation effect on human body through a variety of precise band of composite light, activate the activity of blood erythrocytes, increase the activity of mitochondrial catalase, accelerate and increase the synthesis of ATP, provide more energy for the body, increase the saturation degree of blood oxygen, thus improving the low coagulation state of blood, significantly improve the level of myocardial microcirculation and metabolism, and enhance the function of the heart pump, and effectively Prevent cardiovascular diseases.

LED Red Light Therapy Bed M6N

World Heart Day is not only a specific day, but also a reminder that a strong heart is the key to a healthy life. On WorldHeartDay, let’s start from the heart, pay attention to heart health, develop good habits, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and enjoy a more beautiful life.

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