A comparison of red light therapy and tinnitus treatment.





A comparison of red light therapy and tinnitus treatment.

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Tinnitus is a condition marked by constant ringing of the ears.

Mainstream theory can’t really explain why tinnitus occurs. “Due to large number of causes and limited knowledge of its pathophysiology, tinnitus still remains an obscure symptom,” wrote one group of researchers.

The most likely theory for the cause of tinnitus states that when the cochlear hair cells become damaged, they begin randomly sending electrical signals to the brain.

This would be a pretty horrendous thing to have to live with, so this section is dedicated to anyone out there with tinnitus. If you know anyone with it please send them this video/article or podcast episode.

Can red light alleviate ringing of the ears in people with tinnitus?

In a 2014 study, researchers tested LLLT on 120 patients with untreatable tinnitus and hearing loss. Patients were divided into two groups.

Group one received laser therapy treatment for 20 sessions consisting of 20 minutes each

Group two was the control group. They thought they received the laser treatment but power to the devices was switched off.


“The mean difference of severity of tinnitus between the two groups was statistically significant at the end of the study and 3 months after completion of treatment.”

“Low level laser radiation is effective for short-term treatment of Tinnitus caused by sensorineural hearing loss and its impact may be reduced over the time.”

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