Как часто следует использовать светотерапию для повышения эффективности тренировок и восстановления мышц?





Как часто следует использовать светотерапию для повышения эффективности тренировок и восстановления мышц?


Светотерапия, also known as photobiomodulation (ПБМ), can be an effective tool for improving exercise performance and enhancing muscle recovery when used correctly. The frequency and timing of sessions depend on the individual’s goals, the type of light therapy device, and the intensity of the treatment. Here are some general guidelines:

For Exercise Performance

  • Timing: Use light therapy 30–60 minutes before exercise to optimize muscle performance and endurance. This allows your muscles to benefit from increased mitochondrial activity and blood flow during the workout.
  • Frequency: 2–3 sessions per week is typically sufficient for improving performance, though some individuals may benefit from more frequent use depending on their activity level and recovery needs.

For Muscle Recovery

  • Timing: Use light therapy within 1–2 hours post-exercise to reduce inflammation, promote healing, and alleviate soreness.
  • Frequency: Daily or near-daily sessions can be beneficial, especially during periods of intense training or when recovering from injury. Однако, 3–5 sessions per week is effective for most people.

Key Considerations

  • Duration: Each session should last 10–20 minutes per treatment area, depending on the device and light intensity (measured in milliwatts per square centimeter, mW/cm²).
  • Wavelengths: Красный свет (630–670 nm) and near-infrared light (810–850 nm) are most effective for exercise
кровать для терапии красным светом

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