Obesity, not only affects physical beauty, but also triggers a variety of diseases, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Among the many ways to lose weight and reduce fat, dieting, weight loss pills and fat reduction surgery are more common, but these methods are often accompanied by many risks that may lead to nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal side effects or surgical complications.
In view of this, the safer, non-recovery and non-invasive phototherapy weight loss method has become the ideal choice for the weight loss population. The latest research at home and abroad shows that Red light therapy can help us control our weight by affecting fat cells and regulating hunger-related hormones, significantly reducing the size of fat cells and decreasing the circumference of the waist, hips and thighs.

Red light can regulate fat metabolism in multiple ways
The study emphasized that red light reduces subcutaneous adipose tissue not by damaging localized fat cells, but by regulating lipid metabolism throughout the body. On the one hand, it can stimulate the activity of mitochondria in the fat cells to promote the conversion of triglycerides and other stored fat components into free fatty acids and other substances to be further utilized by the body to accelerate the metabolic decomposition of fat, thus reducing the accumulation of fat in the body.

Por otro lado, red light can affect the permeability of the fat cell membrane, so that the fat originally wrapped in the fat cells relatively stable fat is more easily released into the extracellular space, which in turn facilitates the subsequent transport by the metabolism, to achieve a reduction in fat reserves, assisting in the control of body weight effect.

In addition, red light can stimulate the body to increase the secretion of leptin, which is secreted by adipose tissue, and it can transmit the “satiety” signal to the brain, so that the brain receives the message that the body has stored enough energy and does not need to consume too much food, which helps to avoid overeating, and then plays a role in calorie intake control, helping to achieve weight Reasonable control.

MERICAN Slimming Pods for Efficient Fat Burning
Based on red light therapy MERICAN fat-burning slimming cabin, through irradiation of the whole body, can accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids, accelerate the discharge of metabolic products, regulate the balance of visceral fat, improve the cellulite, play a shape and trimming, fat-burning and detoxification, firming the skin and other efficacies, so as to improve the accumulation of fat, edema, post-partum obesity, genetic obesity, overeating and obesity, and obesity, and so on, the state of the less mobile.

Merican Light Energy Research Center uses the Chinese standard weight method [standard weight (kg) = [height (cm) – 100] x 0.9] and the WHO waist circumference limit [male waist circumference > 85cm, female waist circumference > 80cm is the limit of abdominal fat accumulation] as the test standard.

A number of men and women aged 18-55 years with large BMI values were randomly selected to undergo a weight loss trial of red light therapy supplemented with the MERICAN fat-burning slimming capsule under the guidance of a healthy lifestyle.
After 3 months of large amount of data comparisons, experiencers in the reasonable diet and healthy lifestyle based on the guidance of uninterrupted light slimming cabin, body weight, waist circumference on average reached the normal standard range; body fat rate than the light before a significant decline in the body shape of the line is more obvious. Experiencers also feedback that they do not have any adverse reactions after taking the light, and even have better sleep quality and better skin color.

In the end, whichever way you choose to lose weight, it is important to steadily move forward with your weight loss program on a healthy basis. Only weight loss based on health is sustainable and productive.